Starting up blogging is not difficult. But finding the motivation every day is something that you will have to fight for, so here are some tips to motivate yourself for blogging. There comes a time when even the most famous bloggers start losing their motivation for blogging. It’s not just about blogging, every work needs motivation, and finding one often becomes difficult.
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As a beginner when you start blogging, you have this thing in mind that you have to achieve a certain goal, but with time the enthusiasm dries away. Writing an article once a week also becomes difficult. You must have seen many blogs that have not posted anything in a long time. Well, this is what happens when you lose motivation.
When I post articles related to blogging, I get responses from people asking how to be motivated? I am losing motivation what should I do? etc, etc. So, considering those questions I have written this article, which I hope will help you guys find how to motivate blogging.

1. Don’t forget why you Started Blogging
This is the best way to keep yourself motivated. Everyone has got a reason to start blogging. Some have started to make money online, some want their views to reach the world, some want to keep learning something new, some want to earn a name, some want to help others, while some want to challenge their passion. Reason can be any, but the enthusiasm remains the same. However, at times you feel frustrated and want to give up blogging, whenever you feel demotivated in such a way, recall why you started blogging.
2. Work on the Niche of your Liking
Don’t pick up some trendy niche that you hardly like, else blogging will get boring for you. And you will look for content from different blogs and copy it. Which you know will take your blog into trouble. That’s why it has been advised to choose a niche for your liking. A blog for yourself not for the world. Your blog is yours, it’s your style, don’t spoil it by stealing the ideas of others. Don’t let this thing come to your mind that if there are many blogs on the same niche, starting one is a waste. Because that’s not true. There are millions of internet users, you never know who might like your post.
3. Talk to your Mom or Anyone that you Feel can Motivate you the Most
For me, my best motivator is my mother and the love of my life. Whenever I feel that I am going off the track or everything is over. I either call my mother or my love. It’s as if they persist in the superpowers of motivating me, throwing away the negativity out of me. I have found my motivators. It’s time for you to find yours. Talk to your mom, your dad, your best friend, your siblings, or anyone. Sometimes sharing your problems, lowers the burden.
4. Get Motivation from the Positive Comments on your Blog
Some will appreciate you, while some will criticize you. All you need to do is focus on the positive side. When you start losing your motivation for blogging which might have happened because people wouldn’t be liking your present stuff and you might be getting a negative response. In that case, read all the positive old comments that people wrote to you.
Personally, when I feel like giving up, I read those comments, and trust me just one comment is enough to cheer me up. In addition to this, you will also come to know about your must liked the stuff, which will help you write more.
5. When Frustrated, Take a Long Walk Alone
Spending some time alone in fresh air and thinking works as a very fast remedy for frustration. Many times, our routine frustrates us, now what to do in that case. I’ll suggest getting up from your place and take a long walk, think what’s happening with you and why is it happening. Think about the mistakes that you might have been repeating for some time. Think about how far you’ve come and what’s stopping you from success. No one else can help you until you will try to.
6. Read About the Successful Bloggers
Learning from others and then applying it is the best way of understanding. When you feel low, read about famous bloggers. Read how they have fought the battles of their life to reach the top position. Read how they never gave up and took their first failure as a lesson of life. In addition to this, you can read about the techniques on “how to be a successful blogger” from their blogs. If you want you can read my article too on the same. You can also contact successful bloggers and share your problems with them. They might not be able to solve your issue completely, but they will give you the best advice.
7. Basics are Important
One of the biggest mistakes that newbies do is starting up with the advanced topics without focusing on the basic ones. For example, if your blog is about health and fitness and you start posting articles about the necessary products and exercise without even posting an article about the need for being fit and healthy.
Well, it’s just an example. But If you are posting an article, check if you have covered all the important information or not, whether you have covered all the relevant topics of the posted article. Give links between the articles for other articles related to the current topic.
8. Avoid People that Bring Negativity
As kids, we all have heard, “One bad fish can spoil the whole pond.” The same goes for those full of negativity. Well I am not criticizing such people, but this is the bitter truth, such people are not able to achieve anything in their life and they will demotivate you too. You will also see many unsuccessful bloggers, who out of jealousy will demotivate you by posting negative comments on your blog. The best you can do to deal with such people is by ignoring them. you know that everyone will not like your work and criticize you, so as I said to ignore them and focus on the positive feedback.
9. Plan Before Taking any Step
Before starting up a blog, make a business plan, plan for monetizing the blog, marketing plan, etc. Planning helps in maintaining focus as well as helps in developing a strategy for your blog. Planning focuses on both present and future profit. Most of the blogs work without a business plan and that’s the top reason why they are left far behind in the race of blogging, maybe even the ones reading this don’t have a business plan too.
10. Work as per the schedule
As a beginner I know you will have to work day and night to make your blog famous but you don’t want to spend 7 to 8 hours of your day on blogging. In that case, the best advice I can offer is, make a schedule and work accordingly. Schedules can’t give you 100% assurance for success, but they sure can help you lessen the burden and will help you remember the tasks you have to perform. Make a schedule including all other important activities. Take gaps in between, have fun too. Don’t make a boring schedule and end up not following it.
In the field of blogging, learning never stops, every day comes with a new opportunity and a new lesson too. It’s completely your choice whether you want to welcome the day with a smile and enthusiasm or with negativity. Free advice for my readers is, don’t blog just for money, don’t run behind money. A blog for yourself for your passion. Keep focusing on your goal and don’t let anyone or anything disturb your focus.
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