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Collection of Free X Accounts and Passwords 2025

Free X Accounts – Do you like social media? Surely you know the name of one of the social media platforms that were once popular in this era which has a bluebird icon.

This social media platform is indeed called X. Unlike other social media, X has primarily intelligent users.

Unlike Facebook, which has a lot of autistic users, it’s easy to get caught up in hoaxes, especially anything related to politics. X is a minimal hoax on social media.

Maybe because of the decline in X’s popularity, it was defeated by other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and other minions of Facebook Inc.

But behind the weaknesses of X above, there are several advantages to using X, including the lack of Hoax news that appears in the X timeline area.

On X, you don’t need to argue between tadpoles and bastards because X has a service that is ready to respond.

By reporting people like that, if it is proven that they are spreading hoaxes, X will ban their account without further ado.

But if you were toxic to them first and reported a lot of friends, then it’s possible that your X account could be banned.

But don’t worry; you must create another account if your X account is banned.

But if you are lazy to create another account, you can use the latest free X account and password, which I will share below.

With this free X account still active, my friend can use X again and acquire the account below by changing the password and others.

You can use it if you also want to do mass hassles. Friends, you can grab a free X account directly below.

Free X Accounts

Read more:

X Features and Appearance

In contrast to other ideas and social media platforms, here are the features of X that you need to know before starting to use X:

Logos and Fonts:

  • Although it also uses blue, X has a bird logo as the main idea for chirping or tweeting using a font called Gotham.


  • Tweets are publicly viewable by default, but senders can limit sending messages to only their followers. Users may initiate or upload tweets via the X website, compatible external applications (such as for smartphones), or via the Short Message Service (SMS) available in certain countries.


  • Most X users use this platform to share their personal experiences, share or raise news using hashtags, private promotion platforms, news portals, conversations or communications, spam, etc.


  • Users can group posts by topic or type using hashtags, words, or phrases beginning with the “#” sign. Similarly, the “@” sign followed by the username is used to mention or reply to other users. Users can click the retweet button within the Tweet to repost messages from other X users and share them with their followers.

X Lists:

  • In late 2009, an “X Lists or X Lists” feature was added, allowing users to follow ad hoc lists of authors instead of visiting individual authors.

Writing character restriction:

  • In 2017, X doubled the historical 140-character limit to 280. Since March 30, 2017, X has been outside of the tweet itself. Therefore, they no longer count up to the character limit.

Description or image caption:

  • In 2016 X also introduced new features to help improve the accessibility of blind people or users. Text up to 420 characters extended can be added to each image in an optional form.

Shortened URL:

  • t.co is a URL shortening service explicitly created by X. This feature is only available for links posted to X and not to general users. X hopes that the service will be able to protect its users from Jata sites and track clicks on links in tweets.

Trending topics:

  • A word, phrase, or topic mentioned at a higher level than another is said to be a “hot topic.” A topic trend becomes popular either through a concerted effort by users or because of an event that prompts people to talk about a particular topic. These topics help X and its users to understand what is happening in the world and what people think about it.

Free X Accounts and Password 2025

Because I share it publicly, so for example, the account can’t log in. It may have been taken by someone else.

So, if you want an account, you can immediately check the accounts individually and secure this free X account and password.

Free X Email and Password [year]

dandyesap@gmail.comPassword in the below
muhammadarizki54@gmail.comPassword in the below
akbaraziz531@gmail.comPassword in the below
ezadederd@gmail.comPassword in the below

 Know The Password

Attention: TechoVimal does not support any hijacking or illegal use of accounts. The accounts mentioned on TechMaina are submitted by users or collected from other open-access portals.

Free X Username and Password [year]

085273340283Password in the below
081958384210Password in the below
085880905685Password in the below
ziehardrockPassword in the below
6287774340060Password in the below
081214339031Password in the below

 Get The Password


Buddy can take all the accounts if the account is still there. If someone logs in, immediately secure the account by changing the username and password. So as not to be taken back by others.

Maybe that’s all for the free year X account and password that I share. If you can’t, you can look for a free X account that is still available in other articles on this blog. That’s it. Greetings booyah.

Vimal K. Vishwakarma
Vimal K. Vishwakarmahttps://technovimal.in
Hello friends, I am Vimal K. Vishwakarma, Technical Author & Co-Founder of Techno Vimal. Talking about education, I am an Engineering Graduate. I enjoy learning things related to new technology and teaching others. I request you to keep supporting us like this, and we will keep providing further information for you. :)



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